What is Wisconsin Wins?

Local adults and youth teams are visiting tobacco

retailers in your community. If clerks refuse to sell tobacco

or the vending machines cannot be accessed by teens, then

clerks are given recognition and incentives. Reminders are

given out for illegal sales, with citations for repeated offenders.


Beginning in June of 2002, the state of Wisconsin

Department of Health and Family adopted the recognition and

reminder (R&R) model of reducing youth access to tobacco,

as a concentrated approach to meet a serious threat to public

safety, health and resources for substance abuse treatment.

A partnership with WAAODA has allowed the State to provide

specialized Training and Technical Assistance to local contractors.

WAAODA is a very important piece of the Wisconsin Wins program.

The R&R approach was originally tested under

the auspices of a National Cancer Institute project in Oregon

directed by Dr. Tony Biglan, where it was successful. Then,

a replication was undertaken in Wichita, Kansas by Project

Freedom. In 2000, PAXIS Institute applied the R&R strategy

to Wyoming, bringing its illegal sales of tobacco to minors

from a dangerously high 55% to record lows hovering around

9% for four years in a row.

With the R&R model, Wisconsin has been able

to bring illegal sales of tobacco to minors to its lowest

level ever quickly. Local entities, under contract with DHFS,

continue the program-making even lower rates of illegal access

to tobacco the community norm of our state. In our state,

R&R is called Wisconsin Wins-because of word-class tobacco

control helps the whole state win better public safety, better

health, better youth development and lower state taxpayer

burden. Continued success is necessary to assure the safety

of over $10 million in Federal Funding for substance abuse

treatment and prevention.

What You Can Do

Wisconsin Wins is successful because it mobilizes

the whole community in common purpose. Here are simple things

that people from all walks of life can do to help:


Not many parents know that scientists have discovered that

tobacco use primes the brains of many teens for drug use.

The discovery happened because of amazing brain scan and genetic

studies. If your child is using tobacco, please check the

www.wisconsinwins.com website for links on helping your teen


Every Citizen

Please pro-actively thank retailers and clerks in your area

for doing the right thing. If you like, you may use cards

that cue clerks and retailers that 80% of them are doing the

right thing by not selling tobacco to minors, making it the

norm in your community. Get the cards at www.wisconsinwins.com.


You can join hundreds of young people who are helping do the

Wisconsin Wins visits, making a difference for everyone. You

can help with other tobacco, alcohol or drug prevention efforts.

Contact the Wisconsin Wins coordinator on the front. You can

even thank the clerks for doing the right thing. They will

be floored by a youth telling them this. Also, if you know

of a place where kids are buying tobacco, let the Wisconsin

Wins coordinator know. Teams can educate and assist the storeowner

and staff. Remember, the vast majority of teens in Wisconsin

do not use tobacco.



for more information today.